What is the ETSF YRM?

The ETSF Young researchers’ Meeting (YRM) is a series of conferences held annually under the auspices of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF). It brings together young scientists working in the field of theoretical spectrosopy to discuss problems and recent advances in method development, algorithms and implementations as well as applications to real materials. All young researchers without permanent contracts, i.e. postdocs, PhD students and Master students, are invited to apply through this web-page and submit an abstract for a poster or an oral contribution.

The talks are divided into thematic sessions. In order to make them accessible even to students working on different areas, every session is opened by a keynote speaker who will try to give a broad and didactic introduction to the theory and the methods used to tackle the topic. He/she also points to current challenges, thus providing pointers to successive talks of the session.

In order to give young scientists opportunity to discover research in the private sector, it is tradition to dedicate one day to presentations from industrial researchers. This gives attendees a unique opportunity to compare the research activity in the two domains, to structure their career and to envisage outreach collaborations.

What is the ETSF?

The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) is a knowledge center for theoretical spectroscopy carrying out state-of-the-art research on theoretical and computational methods for studying electronic and optical properties of materials. This network comprises many facilities and laboratories in Europe and the USA performing research in real materials, encouraging the collaboration among research teams. Besides theoretical development, it aims to strengthen the link to experimental groups and industrial research.

Previous YRMs